I'm not done yet! I still have a couple of days in me! This will be the first part to my official Good-Bye post.
I have had so much fun working here on TE! It may have been exactly a year ago that I was asked to join Teen Entertainment. I was so excited to join! My blog, DC Dude's Spot, was just a couple of months old and I was still new to the whole blogging thing. But I joined in and did my best. At first, I posted mostly on my blog and then did a smaller one with a link to mine on TE. But then I saw how dedicated Matt and Tommy were to Teen Entertainment and started to do more for this blog. I would occasionally post for mine, but TE had a much larger outlet.
Christmas may have been my favorite time of year here. Christmas 2009 may have been the best one EVER! The music, movies and shows were all amazing. I had a lot of fun sharing that time of year with everyone on TE.
At the new year things really started to boom on Teen Entertainment. The name took on it's awesome abbreviation, TE, and more things started getting planned. Josh released Teen Entertainment Mania, an amazing idea for sharing music. One of my favorite things to do is share music with people, and this has helped me. I like new music (Top 40 and Radio Disney Hits) but I also like artists that are not as well known. They have some amazing talent and are often at the beginning of their music careers. On the DC Dude edition of Teen Entertainment Mania, most of the singers aren't well played on the radio. They may be different, but that's my style =) And I hope you liked it too!
We have had some "drama" on Te too. From immature strangers coming in and leaving rude comments, to people masquerading as others to create drama. I admit, I may have blown up some of the situation and made them worse. I should have taken the better road and moved on (water flows under the bridge, let it pass, let it go). But the second time I came back I was truly ready to commit myself to TE. This is my second-home now, and it kills me to have to leave.
TE is such an awesome blog! It may not be the biggest or the most read in the world, but each year it takes leaps and bounds in popularity. We post about popular things, people Google popular things, and people are going to read our blog! They may never come back, but they will remember us for what we do! We deliver the best of everything to everyone.
I cannot wait to come back in two years and see how far Teen Entertainment has gone. I can't wait to be a part of something bigger. We may only be a BlogSpot now, but in two years, this could be a real website, with interviews, breaking news, and even more!