Monday, April 1, 2013
Selena Gomez "Come & Get It"...without the Scene?
But I couldn't help but notice something missing from the cover art...the Scene! I know that on the radio they'd never say "Selena Gomez & the Scene"...which is a mouthful. But that's what it is! On the Hollywood Records website they got rid of The Scene a long time ago, so I wonder when that actually happened.
I know that we never got to really know The Scene very well, but I loved how they were in the music videos and they still incorporated them somehow. So I wonder if this removal of The Scene is just because nobody actually says it or...what. I just thought it was interesting how there is no longer The Scene. I really liked the whole name and I'm going to miss it.
What do you think? Leave your comments below!
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
David Archuleta Giveaway News!
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Cool Jordan Pruitt Story!
Zendaya on "Dancing With the Stars"!
Hey Zswaggers! DC Dude here! I just found out the cast of the new season of DWTS and Zendaya is on this year! I'm so excited for her! I love it when they have a person from Disney Channel on that show.
The new season begin March 18th, so put it on your DVR, TIVO, or whatever else you may have. I'll for sure be watching, so I'll make sure to post her number to call in and vote when the show starts.
Monday, February 25, 2013
"Heart Attack" is #1!
Saturday, February 23, 2013
What's the Teen Word? - Hollywood Records, Freind or Foe? Part 2
So has anybody visited the Hollywood Records homepage recently? If not, here it is:
You'll see some new faces on their that you may not know or never seen before (Stefano, Cole Plante, Redlight King and ZZ Ward) as well as some of our favorites (Demi, Selena and Plain White T's). They've recently picked up some new people and have been doing a lot of things with them. But...did anyone else see some people missing...two people in particular?....
WHAT?!?! Are you kidding me?!?! Two of the people that have been with Hollywood Records for such a long time and now they're gone? I was shocked and utterly confused by all of this...I'll talk about Miley first.
So Miley Cyrus has signed to a new record label, RCA Records. They have artists like Ke$ha, Kelly Clarkson and Justin Timberlake...and a ton of other really good artists. So I'm kind of excited for her to be with RCA. I think it'll bring her more opportunities for a more expanded music career. Overall, I think this is a good thing for Miley. She's been making new music for a while now and I'm really excited to see what she's got for REALLY excited!
Now Jesse McCartney...I have no idea about him. I feel bad about his since he's been with Hollywood Records for such a long time, had some success, recorded a fourth album...and that's about where it ends. What we know about his fourth album "Have It All" is that Hollywood Records just kept delaying the release of it. Kind of sounds like Jordan Pruitt...I am a huge Jesse fan and I really hope he's either still with Hollywood Records or with somebody new...that will actually release his new album. Whatever it is, he deserves the best.
And speaking of Jordan Pruitt, go onto her Facebook page and you can get 7 free songs over the period of a week and get videos of her talking about her musical journey. It's really interesting because she talks openly about being with Disney and Hollywood Records. And you'll get 7 free songs by an awesome artist!
What do you think? Leave your opinion in the comments below and I'll comment back for sure! Let me know! Share your opinion! Thanks for reading today, you're awesome!!
Thursday, February 21, 2013
David Archuleta Giveaway!!!
Hey readers, DC Dude here! It's been a long time and I've been inspired to get back and post more here. I was reading some of my posts before my mission and remembered how dedicated I was to this place, and thought I'd try and get some of that mojo back. So to make things more exciting, why not have our first TE Giveaway! We've got David Archuleta's book "Chords of Strength" where I work and it's really good! So why not share it with you? If you're up for the giveaway, leave a comment below and I'll get it started. And other writers can participate too! So let me know...cause if you don't, you'll be missing out on this awesome chance. You guys are awesome!
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Demi Lovato "Heart Attack"
And then I was on Twitter and saw that Coco Jones' debut album will be coming out one month from today, 3/12! I heard it was coming out in March, but now we have official word!
This is going to be an amazing year for Hollywood Records and some of our favorite artists. Demi, Coco, R5's EP out next week (and hopefully a CD later this year...?), keep hearing about Selena, Zendaya and Miley in the studio, McClain Sisters hopefully and who knows about Bridgit Mendler. Then maybe we'll finally get Jesse McCartney's CD out, and Stefano is releasing new singles now too! I think 2013 will be the year of Hollywood Records!! Anyone else agree with me?
Saturday, February 2, 2013
David Archuleta "No Matter How Far"
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Filming of The Amazing Spider Man Sequel Begins Next Week
Saturday, December 29, 2012
DC Dude's 2012 Review
This has been a great year for music. We saw a lot of returns by amazing artists like Bieber, Demi, Taylor Swift and David Archuleta. It also seemed like the year of You-tubers as Psy and Karmin burst from the computer to the world-wide stage. A couple Disney Channel stars made it onto the music scene as well with Bridgit Mendler and Shane Harper releasing debut albums. Zendaya and Bella of "Shake it Up!" grew musically as well with an amazing song mash-up of "Something to Dance For/TTYLOXOX". There is obviously a ton more that I missed, but those were some of my favorites.
Movies! Three huge superhero movies made it out this summer, with "Spider-Man" and "Avengers" and "Dark Knight Rises". Three amazing movies...I don't think words can describe the awesomeness of them.
Musicals grew a lot this year too! At the beginning of the year, NBC premiered "Smash", a show about the behind the scenes making of a Broadway hit with all the drama that accompanies it. I loved this show! The music is amazing and it actually taught me a lot about Broadway and how it works. The fourth season of Glee started as well, bringing new characters and new drama. This season is the best yet! I wasn't too big on it at the beginning, but I think it was because I missed all the regulars. I'm used to the new people now and how everything works. Then at the end of the year "Les Mis" as a musical came to the big screen...and it's AWESOME! I saw it last night and it is so good! Ignore what everyone says, Russel Crowe did amazing and Anne Hathaway was the best singer in the movie. Loved it!
2013 looks like a great year! Here are the albums I'm looking forward to the most in 2013:
- Lady GaGa
- Selena Gomez & the Scene
- Katy Perry
- Jonas Brothers
- Miley Cyrus
- Demi Lovato
- ...whatever else comes...
- Oz: The Great and Powerful
- Iron Man 3
- Star Trek Into Darkness
- The Great Gatsby
- Now You See Me
- Man of Steel
- Monsters University
- Despicable Me 2
- The Wolverine
- Thor: The Dark Worlds
- Catching Fire
- Frozen
- ...again, whatever else...
What did I miss in this post that you loved about 2012? Or what are you looking forward to in 2013? Leave your comments below!!
Friday, December 28, 2012
End of the Year
I hope everyone's Christmas was awesome! It's my favorite time of year. Have a good weekend!!
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Matt's Unreleased Cover Art
I hope you like them!
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Man of Steel Second Trailer Released!
Hey comic book fans!

It's TommyTE here!
Recently this week there were a bunch of new trailers for upcoming 2013 films released. Of the new trailers, was a new preview for Man of Steel, the Superman reboot coming June 14, 2013.
Unlike the first trailer for the Man of Steel, in this new preview we get to see a little more of Clark Kent's origin story, and a lot more action and awesome effects! Still no sign of the featured villain in the film, but this trailer does show that this film possibly will be a lot more emotional, dark, and in depth character wise than the past Superman films, much like The Dark Knight Trilogy. The Superman reboot will borrow the same producer, Christopher Nolan, from the recent Batman films, and will be starring Henry Cavil as Clark Kent/ Superman.
Check out the new trailer below:
Comment and stay tuned for more!
Friday, December 7, 2012
DC Dude is back...again =)
Monday, November 26, 2012
Matt's Back!
I'm definitely going to be reviewing Bridgit Mendler's new album! I listened to it and I really like it!
I have some old cover art that I will release!
I am a huge fan of Disney Channel's original series, Austin & Ally, along with Jessie, so expect a lot of fandom posts!
I am curious to know what DC Dude thinks of all the new Disney Channel shows. After being gone for so long, he needs to catch up! So what do you think DC Dude?
I also will be posting news as usual! iGoodbye, from iCarly recently came on :( I will miss iCarly! I might review it! :)
So that's about it! Can't wait to get more involved with TE! :)
~Matt :D
Saturday, November 3, 2012
News Fest: Iron Man 3 Trailer, Jamie Foxx as Electro in TAS 2
The latest trailer for Iron Man 3 has been released:
It has also been confirmed that Jamie Foxx will be Electro, the villain, in The Amazing Spider-Man sequel which is due out in 2014.

“[The story with the parents] is the long shadow that’s cast over the three films. I want these films to have a serialized component, and there’s a slow burn to that. I need to leave some juice for the second movie. That was one of the more exciting things about creating Spider-Man, was that I could create more than one and there was a serialized component to it.
“When I was thinking about the universe as a whole—and I talked about this with [screenwriter] Jamie Vanderbilt way back in the day—that all crazy stuff in this universe emerges from Oscorp. Oscorp predates Spider-Man and Peter Parker. His parents were involved in some way. And Oscorp represents… The building itself, there was something iconic about it. To me it’s like the Tower of Babel, which is this testament to man’s hubris. Peter’s relationship will evolve with it over time. That was really one of the central components, one of the pieces that tied all these stories together, this relationship with Oscorp.”
Stay tuned for more news.
-Thanks, TommyTE!
Sunday, October 28, 2012
"Love Will Tell Us Where to Go" unmix by DC Dude
One of my favorite songs on the CD is "Love Will Tell Us Where to Go". It has some great lyrics and amazing sound. But when I listen to it, I hear it more as a ballad. So I tried to make it one. I think it turned out good. Nothing major done to it, but some changes that I think work. What do you think?
And if you haven't purchased Bridgit's CD yet, do it soon. I think everyone has it in stores now, but you can get it for the same price, if not cheaper on Amazon for the Deluxe Edition which has three extra songs.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Shailene Woodley as Mary Jane in The Amazing Spider-Man Sequel
Recently, THR has released some information regarding the character Mary Jane Watson in The Amazing Spider sequel.
The Mary Jane role is proving to be only a very small part in Amazing Spider-Man 2 but blossoms into an integral lead for the planned third movie as the studio seeks to build to the classic “Death of Gwen Stacy” story.
This confirms two things. Mary Jane will be in The Amazing Spider Man sequel and third film, and Gwen Stacy will be killed off in the sequel. If you've read the comics, you know that after Gwen Stacy dies, Mary Jane comforts Peter Parker/Spider-Man, which sparks the relationship between Peter and Mary Jane.
So who will be playing Mary Jane Watson?
Well Shailene Woodley, from The Secret Life of the American Teenager has been confirmed to play Mary Jane. I'm sure many of you have seen that show (I haven't) and know much about Shailene Woodley. Since I've never seen it or have ever seen Woodley act, I guess it'd be a good time to catch up on all of the episodes.
In my opinion, I think Shailene Woodley looks great for the role of Mary Jane Watson. I think it's pretty fascinating how this new take of The Amazing Spider-Man is sort of a modern-teenage style Spidey. Yeah I'm a comic book nerd, but I still agree with this new style of Spidey. I mean to be honest, I don't wanna see a middle-age man like Tobey Maguire swinging around in tights. Peter Parker has always been a high schooler and a younger cast to play these high schoolers means more movies..
I think that Shailene Woodley fits right in with Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Music Day!
I went on a mini shopping spree today when I went to Wal-mart. I was looking for the "Make Your Mark" CD, but found the other two as well! It was awesome. I'll put reviews of all three up here soon.
Hello My Name is... 5 DAYS!
Saturday, October 6, 2012
David Archuleta Billboard
DC Dude here and I'm spending the weekend in Utah and I am having a ton of fun. We were driving on the freeway today and I saw something awesome! A billboard for David A's new CD! I thought it was awesome. Have a good rest of the weekend!
Monday, October 1, 2012
3 weeks to Bridgit Mendler!
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Zendaya in Arizona!
Camp Rock Week
This movie came at such a high time for Disney Channel. HSM3 was coming soon, Cheetah Girls was just finishing up, Wizards of Waverly Place was climbing, Hannah and Suite Life were well settled, these were the good days! And Camp Rock was just another amazing addition to the Disney Channel family.
When I watched the movie on Thursday, I couldn't help but compare it to the second one. I noticed some people that were missing and some changes to characters from the first to the second. All that aside, this movie did an amazing job at displaying young, amazing talent that were all trying to make something of themselves in the world. I think that's the purpose of the movie too. To give people a chance to get out other and be who they want to be. Don't let the world tell you that you're not good enough, be the best you that you can be! Just ROCK IT!
I love this movie! There is so much power in the message that it sends.
I made a cover art for my favorite song in the movie too! It's the song that Peggy sings for the Final Jam, called "Here I Am". I know it's really simple, but I like it that way. And I didn't want to put the artist on the cover because the actress isn't actually the one that sings it in the movie.
Next week is HSM2! Stay tuned!!