First of all this movie was kinda different from the first. Mitchie was different which I liked because it showed that Mitchie really loves her camp and that she is comfortable with all the people she is around. Almost like one year at school you make all new friends. Then the next year all the same people are in your class and your not afraid to be who you want to be. I loved how Mitchie just was so passionate about saving her camp. I would do the same thing if I was her. Demi Lovato is one of my favorite actresses so I really enjoyed her in the movie.

Wait I'm not finished yet. Here are a few things I just quickly want to say. I also really LOVED Nate and Dana! Introducing Me is an awesome song! Some parts funny, too! Maria Canals Barrera is perfect for Mitchie's mom and was from the start! Mitchie, Caitlyn, Ella, Peggy and Tess make great BFF's! I liked how they casted the Jonas Brothers as Connect 3 because since they are real brothers it shows on screen. And last but not least Kevin and the Junior Rockers...hillarious! Disney couldn't have casted a better cast and couldn't have made a better movie!!!
And congratulations Camp Rock Cast beacause Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam got 15.2 million viewers last night! Now it's in second place for highest rated DCOM premieres! Right next to High School Musical 2! Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam is an awsome movie! I'd give it a 4.8 out of 5 or 9.5 outof 10! I love this movie! As I type I am adding to my favorite movie list in my head!

-Matt :) Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam Rocks!

-Matt :) Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam Rocks!
Photos from DemLovatoWeb.com
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