Monday, May 28, 2012

Teen Entertainment Review: The Avengers

Hey moviegoers!

It's TommyTE here with a brand new Teen Entertainment Review.

As part of the Summer Superhero Smash-down, I am reviewing the excellent and highly anticipated summer blockbuster 'The Avengers'. Bare with me because I just came from the movies, and I want to get out my review while the film is still fresh in my head.


Rating: 4.out of 5

Review: Well to begin, I just want to say it was an EXCELLENT and MUST-SEE film! It action-packed, hilarious, fun, and exciting! The film had a nice and simple story and the action was great! The comedy was fun and better than most comedy in action films these days. Overall, the film was exciting and probably the best Marvel film ever. The film has been give the title "The Best Superhero Film of All Time" but I still think that 2008's 'The Dark Knight' holds that title. Anyway, I give the films a five out of five for it's rating, because it is so far the best summer blockbuster of 2012, a great family & friends film, everything about it is great, and it perfectly satisfies the build up that has been going on since the first Iron Man was released in '08.
It gives every character, from Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) to Loki (Tom Hiddleston), a great character moment and duel with a friend or foe.

In The Avengers Loki, brother of Thor the God of Thunder, attempts to enslave the human race by using the Tesseract, the powerful source seen in previous Marvel films (Captain America), to launch an invasion of an alien army called, the Chitauri, that will help him take over Earth. Like I said, the story was nice and simple, something you should expect from a summer blockbuster! In my opinion, the story was great and well paced (despite the beginning which ran a little slow) and the action fit in perfectly. Side stories, such as the little "Loki wants us to get off task" sort of thing, could've been left out. While I was watching the film, I felt like it was a last minute feature to throw just to add substance to the story. It was good, but the film could've been without. Other than that, the story didn't fall off of it's tracks at any part, something that is a very important thing screenwriters need to make sure they don't do. 5 out of 5

The writers in this film did an excellent job of giving each character equal amount screen time which many Marvel fans worried would not happen. Instead fans figured it would be like "Iron Man and the other superheroes" kinda thing. Well, surprisingly and thankfully, it was nothing like that. We got to see great character moments for Thor, Hulk, Iron Man, Black Widow, Captain America, Hawkeye, Loki, Nick Fury all get there character moments. Even Clark Gregg as Phil Coulson had a great character moment and a large affect on the other characters. Phil Coulson, a character who was always underestimated and unnoticed was made into a major character after his death. In this film, Joss Whedon did add some backstory to Coulson which includes him being a huge fan of Captain America. The fact that he was big fan, and died helping Thor made Nick Fury gather the un-signed pictures of Captain America Coulson had in his locker, spread blood on them, and show them to The Avengers, which gave them all a boost. I thought this was great, because this shows that Coulson had an influence on the Avengers and Clark Gregg's character has finally become a major supporting character, after his important role in the film. The death of Phil Coulson in The Avengers helped the character get the recognition he deserved, but unfortunately this means the character won't be returning for another film. 5 out of 5
I won't spoil any character moments but I'm sure many of you have already seen the movie now.

Now if you expect character development in this movie, you'll only get sprinkles, but before you get upset, the reason is the character development was all in the previous Marvel films about every hero involved in The Avengers (excluding Hawkeye). 4.5 out of 5

The comedy in the film, was the best comedy in any Marvel film to date. I'm most definitely not a comedy fan, I'm an action fan, but the comedy has to be one of the best things about this movie. In most action films, you expect cheesy one-liners or pointless comedic actions by characters, but this movie did not contain any of that. Every one-liner, every comedic action had a point and made sense. The comedy as well as the action fit right in the story very well. And again the movie wasn't centered around Iron Man, and that includes the comedy. The each character brought comedy relief and comedy relief that would have you on the edge of your seat ROTFL! There are countless comedic scenes going on in the movie. "Shawarma", "Loki being adopted", "Shakespeare in the park", "Hulk smash". So if you're a comedy fan, you'll love this movie. 5 out of 5

Finally the action! Like I said I'm an action movie fan, so the action is what I look forward too. The action in this film is great! It's not jump over the bridge, edge of your seat action, but the action is good for an superhero movie. The action had pretty good butt kicking action, but not large scale or big stunt action sequences, besides a few jumps and dodges from Captain America. The explosions were cool but they don't count in this movie because the were pointless and had no affect on the action or the heroes in the action. The aliens, or Chitauri army didn't have a huge affect on The Avengers either because they were weak, it just took the Avengers longer to kill them when they came in large amounts of numerous groups. The floating penguins or whatever were most definitely not needed and extremely cheesy, but that's just my opinion. One thing I did find interesting is when Stark sacrificed himself for the world, which Captain America told him he could never do. I thought that was a very nice part to throw in the film because it gives the character of Tony Stark more depth to who he is and who he can be besides a playboy.

The film also included an alien invasion sort of thing. As you all know I'm a huge Transformers fan, and last year Transformers Dark of the Moon included a full scale epic alien invasion as well. In comparison, the invasion in The Avengers was on a smaller scale & not as grand as the invasion was in Transformers. The invasion wasn't as emotional, dark, or breathtaking the Decepticon invasion was in Transformers Dark of the Moon. When you think of an extra-terrestrial threat or invasion occuring in a city, you think of dread, tears, horror, and that's everything Transformers had that The Avengers did not. Also, the Decepticons in Transformers would attack the humans and the death of humans would shown on screen. Something I wondered why Whedon did not have in The Avengers. We didn't get to see any  humans get blown up, which I feel is important because it shows how terrifying an extra-terrestrial threat and invasion could be. Us scrawny humans being attacked by armed aliens. Maybe next time we'll see The Avengers miss a bus full of civilians that gets blown up.

Now for a great action movie you need a great score. You can't beat scores by composers such as Hans Zimmer or Steve Jablonsky, so if those standards aren't met, the movie's score may not be bad but it won't be great. That's just my opinion. But you always need a great OST to go with great action. The score in this movie gets a 3.5 out of 5 and the action gets a 3 out of 5. Now keep in mind I'm a hardcore action fan so you may think otherwise.

Overall I give the film a perfect score, because the story and comedy were perfect, while the action and character moments were great as well! This is so far the best film of the summer!

-Thanks, TommyTE!

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