Hey Teens!
Well on Saturday I went to the movies with my friend to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. To start off, I'll tell you that the movie theater was packed! Like I've never seen that many people in a movie theater my entire life! It probably took my friend and me 5 minutes just to find two seats. And when we did we had to sit right in the middle of a big crowded area! Anyway, the movie I think is the best in the series so far, and it's my top favorite movie now. **THIS REVIEW CONTAINS FEW SPOILERS, SO IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN HP7 YET, AND CHOOSE TO NOT SPOIL IT FOR YOURSELF, THEN STOP READING!**
5/5 stars! A+
So if you just read the grade I gave this movie, don't think I'm just giving it full stars because I was excited for this movie. I've never given a movie all 5 stars! I think that this movie was FANTASTIC! DARK! EXCITING! FRESH! VERY FUNNY! and FULL OF INTENSE ACTION!
First off, the relationship between the characters and actors was so emotional, and developed, they made the movie look so mature. I remember watching the 'Sorcerer's Stone,' and now Daniel, Emma, and Rupert are all grown up! Their characters, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ronald Weasley are the main trio, and are on the run from the Dark Lord Voldemort. The interaction between the actors and characters is so strong, it shows to the audience the relationship of them that helped make this franchise grow!
The fight between Harry and Ron was so inviting, it was the first you actually go to see Ron blow up on Harry. It was better seeing the fight on screen then on YouTube! Another part I found that was mature between the characters, was when Harry played by Daniel Radcliffe comforted Hermione played Emma Watson with a dance from a song on the radio to bring up her spirit, after Ron played by Rupert Grint leaves them. Daniel Radcliffe matured so much during the time off after filming 'the Half-Blood Prince.' Its a really good way to end the franchise with; the maturity between the trio!
Second, the theme and tone and the action. I thought I was watching a 'Harry Potter' styled 'Saw!' The movie was so dark and the tone was so dark. And to say it was as dark as 'Saw.' That's a big jump ahead for the 'Harry Potter' franchise! The beginning chase where everyone drank 'Polyjuice' potion and they turned into the seven Potters was so exciting! It was like I was part of the 'Order of the Phoenix' and I was flying through the sky with the characters, and the Death Eaters just pouring down at the audience. When the Death Eaters attack, I jumped, because they just came out of nowhere and the scene was so dark! Although, I thought the producers could've made the part when the Death Eaters killed Hedwig (Harry's owl,) little more dramatic. Then when Voldemort showed up and did the big :wand collision" thing like in the end of 'the Goblet of Fire.' The sound effects and the CGI in the movie was so advanced and developed, it was 10 times more than what I was expecting! (Sadly, Mad-Eye Moody died during that part.)
Okay well I don't want to tell the entire movie to the readers or the fans, so I'll just skip to the ending. I also thought that the sequence in the end when the trio, was being chased by the Snatchers in the hallows was dramatic. Even without any epic music playing in the background, that made the sequence very dramatic! All you could here was heavy breathing, panting, running, shouting, and cruses & spells being thrown. It was an amazing action scene. Sadly at the end of the movie the beloved ***** died. (You'll have to see the movie to reveal the character who died.)
The movie also earned its A+, because of its comedic scenes! I'd say that the comedian of the movie was Ronald Weasley played by Rupert Grint. There were many funny parts, but I don't want to spoil anymore for the ones who haven't seen it. And if you have seen it, then you know the parts I'm talking about.
The most funny part in the movie, was when the trio snuck into the 'Ministry of Magic' by using 'Polyjucie' potion to disguise as employees who worked at the Ministry. It was very funny how the trio acted as if they were just born the day before. And Ron was the most hilarious!
Last, I think the movie had a sense of freshness to it. Even though it had the same plot, same back story and visual, the trio figured out things they never knew about Dumbledore and Voldemort. Which made the movie seem so fresh and brand- new watching it on the big screen! Well, to end my review, I'd say that this movie is one that every person would get into and enjoy.
It has the biggest action sequences, the funniest humor, and the darkest but emotional tone to it as well! Unless you're too cool for Harry Potter, than you would completely enjoy the 'Deathly Hallows!' The best film in the franchise so far!
-Thanks, TommyTE!
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