Hey Transformers fans,
First, if you aren't a Transformers fan, than don't bother to continue reading!
Now, to the fans, I have made predictions that are possible to happen in Transformers 3!
Lately, I've collected information on Transformers 3 said by many of the cast and crew memembers from January, up until now:
-Back in January many rumors were going around that Transformers 3 will have less robots and explosions after Michael Bay said, “There will be a nice crescendo ending,” Bay said. “It gets much more into the robot character. The last time you kind of met a few of the robots; this time you’re gonna get a much cooler landscape.” But, many fans didn’t understand this clearly. “This time you’re gonna get a much cooler landscape.” If you know exactly what the word landscape means, than you’re smart and you that Bay never specificly came out and said, “Oh TF3 will have only 6 Transformers and only 1 explosion in the movie, blah blah blah blah blah!!!!” Michael Bay said that there will be much cooler landscape of Transformers, and from what I correctly learned, a landscape is much larger than just a few. So many of those annoying rumors about TF3 being less robot heavy and fewer explosions, are officially B.S! Also, from all the explosions and a** kicking action we’ve seen caught on set, TF3 will most likely have the most action and explosions in the trilogy! Another thing is, during the filming of TF2, Michael Bay said that many of the Decepticons are CGI both veichle mode and robot mode, so there are probably more Decepticons that are fighting in the end scene than in the last two films! By the way, Bay said this back in January, and the crew does a lot of script changes while filming, so these old rumors now have a greater chance of being wrong.
-During this summer, Michael Bay gave some information about the ending scene in Chicago. ''It is at the very end of the movie and the city is under alien attack, so it's very critical and important to the film's climax.'' If the city is under attack, its probably raining hundereds of Decepticons everywhere. Really, the destruction done in Chicago, 20 Transformers can’t make that much destruction. Probably 100 can! So that's another thing that cancels out those rumors about all the excitment being less.
He also said "The heroes in this movie have very few people coming to help them this time. I like to think of it as the 'Black Hawk Down' version of 'Transformers' -- it's much more intimate in terms of what's happening. Something very bad has happened to America -- and this is at the very end of the movie.''
So there is more exciting news about TF3 that makes the movie much darker!
Bay promises, "really builds to a final crescendo... As a trilogy, it really ends. It could be rebooted again, but I think it has a really killer ending."
-And just a couple of days ago, Josh Duhamel, who plays Major Lennox in the film, says he saw approximately 10 minutes worth of footage from the Chicago shoot "and it's pretty awesome."
Shia LaBeouf says that Transformers 3 has been voted as the best movie out of the trilogy by unanimous decision of the cast and crew of the film, and he is "super proud" of the film. He has seen about 40 minutes of cut footage and he is very happy about this film.
Shia LaBeouf says that Transformers 3 has been voted as the best movie out of the trilogy by unanimous decision of the cast and crew of the film, and he is "super proud" of the film. He has seen about 40 minutes of cut footage and he is very happy about this film.
-Finally, because Shockwave is the greatest enemy of the Transformers, and he is closely attached to Cybertron, you can most likely expect more of Cybertron in TF3!
So there you have it! Comment and give me your predictions, and seriously, don't even think about commentng a rude message. I'm serious! I don't care if you don't like TF3 or not! Don't post a rude comment!
-Thanks, TommyTE!
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