If you actually read the title above, then you are definitely confused.
Your probably thinking, Transformers 1 came out in 2007. 3 years ago, how could there be any new news on a movie that was released 3 years ago?
Well, to answer your question, the new Transformers news isn't exactly Transformers 1 news.
It's still Transformers 3 news but it features Transformers 1 news. No the news isn't that Megan Fox is returning and they have to shoot everything all over,
Bumblebee's "cr*p Camaro" (Megan's line from TF1) is making an appearance in TF3.
So now your probably thinking, What happened to his new Camaro that wasn't cr*ppy?
Well, the information on this cr*p Camaro is unknown. But I'll have it for ASAP!
I think that, in the movie flashbacks of the hidden Transformers who lived on Earth before their war ended up in "our world are shown." In other words, I think flashbacks of Bumblebee and the other Transformers who lived on Earth before Optimus, his team, Megatron, and his team arrived on Earth. And if what I think is true, it's probably has something to do with the plot of the movie. (Of course it might have something to do with the movie.....stupid!)
Well here are some images found during the filming at the Milwaukee Art Museum.

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